Tuesday, December 18, 2012

HW #5-3

#1 How did the government of Japan change during the Meiji restoration?
Describe in at least three sentences Japan’s rationale (reasons) for its westernization.
Describe in at least three sentences Japan’s imperialism and militarization.
Imagine that you are a Japanese person watching events unfold in the 1850s and 1860s.  How might you react?  Do you see alternatives to the opening of your country to foreign trade?  Do you agree that in order to compete with the Western powers, your nation must begin to behave like the Western powers?  Explain in a paragraph
Homework: Please write an essay on the Meiji Restoration. The Meiji Restoration accelerated industrialization in Japan. How did it change the political, economic and social structure of Japan.
Outline for an One-Paragraph Essay
Thesis statement: _______________________________________________________
First Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ____________________________________
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
Second Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): __________________________________
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
Third Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ___________________________________
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
Restate topic: __________________________________________________________________

Monday, December 10, 2012

HW#4-3 Scramble for Africa

1. How did you feel while playing the “Scramble for Africa” game?
2. Why did your group decide to choose the countries it chose?
3. Which country do you think was your group’s most valuable colony? Why?
4. Who did not get to play a role in the “Scramble for Africa” game?
5. What do you think you learned from playing the “Scramble for Africa” game?
6.What could be done to make playing the “Scramble for Africa” game more enjoyable?

Friday, December 7, 2012

HW #3-3 Intro paragraph Imperialism essay

Historical Context:
During the 1800s, Great Britain’s empire expanded to include India, other parts of Asia, and parts of Africa. Great Britain’s colonial rule had both positive and negative
effects on the colonial empire.
• Discuss the political, social, and/or economic causes of British imperialism
• Discuss the positive effects and the negative effects of British colonial rule
1. Using your outline from class.
2. Write your claim.
3. Three reasons.
4.  Analysis
5. Summary
6. Definition for Imperialism
Write an Introduction for the essay in at least 7 sentences.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Homework #2-3

1. Is it ever justified for one culture to dominate another?
2. What does it mean to be civilized?  What does it mean to be uncivilized?
3. Is using violence to prevent diamond smuggling justified?  Should blood diamonds be sold?

Monday, December 3, 2012

HW #1-3 Six paragraph essay draft.

Were the achievements and growth of the Industrial Revolution Era worth the cost to society? After reading secondary and primary sources pertaining to the British Industrial Revolution, write an argumentative essay that addresses the question.  Support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

HW #4-2 Vocabulary Industrial Revolution

Click on this link to access sheet or look in forms and documents on mrcassidy.com.

Term Definition in your words Symbol or Visual

Industrial Revolution

Agrarian Revolution



Cottage Industry

HW #3-2 Agrarian Revolution

Homework:  In your opinion, did the benefits of the Agrarian Revolution outweigh the disadvantages?  (Explain your answer in at least one paragraph.)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task below, and a conclusion.
(a) explain means “to make plain or understandable; to give reasons for or causes of; to
show the logical development or relationships of ”
(b) discuss means “to make observations about something using facts, reasoning, and
argument; to present in some detail”

Thematic Essay
Theme: Change [Individuals Who Have Changed History]
The beliefs and achievements of individuals have changed global history. These beliefs and achievements have had positive and negative effects on society.

Task: Identify two individuals who have changed global history and for each:
• Explain one belief or achievement of that individual
• Discuss the positive and/or negative effects of the individual’s belief or achievement

You may use any Napoleon Bonaparte,Toussaint Overture, Miguel Hidalgo or Jose de San Martin.

In your essay, be sure to
• Address all aspects of the Task
• Support the theme with relevant facts,examples, and details
• Use a logical and clear plan of organization
• Include an introduction and a conclusion that are beyond a simple restatement of the

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Project #1 Historical leader Toussaint L' Overture interview assignment.

Criteria for success
A good interview project should
• use complete sentences with capitalization and punctuation.
• have a list of questions asked and answers given.
• include a business card for the leader.
• include a thank you note written to the leader from interviewer.
• a cover page with a title, image, name, period, and class.

Monday, October 15, 2012

HW #1-2 Biography

Create a one page biography of one of the following leaders.
1.Simon Bolivar
2.Jose de San Martin
3.Toussaint L’Ouverture
4.Father Hidalgo

HW #10 Wanted Poster

Pick a Latin American Independence
Leader and create a “Wanted” Poster
identifying their guilt against European
rule in Latin America
Francois Dominique Toussaint L’Ouverture
Simon Bolivar
Miguel Hidalgo
Jose de San Martin

Thursday, October 11, 2012

HW #9 Napoleon Essay

You should organize your answer into five sections, which you can
later put into paragraphs. The five areas are: Education, The Government, The Church, Rights and Freedoms and Society. To answer the BIG question, you need to look at how far Napoleon reformed each of the sections. For example, in some
areas there had been great change, but in others, there were few differences from the time of King Louis. You can include in your answer quotes and opinions from the man himself to support your own thoughts. Once you have planned what
you are going to include in your sections, you need to write a brief introduction to your work, and sum up your arguments with a strong conclusion.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

HW #7 Napoleon Timeline or Facebook Period 3 or HW #7 and #8 for 1st period

TASK! Complete a timeline of Napoleon’s life using the information above.
Use paper, the computer or www.timeglider.com and then turn it in, email, or send me the shared url link.  Make sure to use images, audio and video to complete your timeline.
Go to mrcassidy.com under documents download the file complete a Facebook page for Napoleon and email to share on Google docs.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

HW #6 French Revolution Flocabulary

1.  Where did Louis XVI live?  (1 pt)
2.  What day did the French people storm the Bastille?  (1 pt)
3.  What did Louis XVI wear?  (1 pt)
4.  What set of laws did Napoleon pass?  (1 pt)
5.  Where did the French citizens meet to swear an oath?  (1 pt)
6.  Who was "the biggest deal in France since Joan of Arc"?  (1 pt)
7.  What device was used to execute people during the Reign of Terror?  (1 pt)
8.  From what country did Napoleon have to retreat?  (1 pt)
9.  What was the name of the poorest social class?  (1 pt)
10.  Who led the Reign of Terror?  (1 pt)

Monday, October 1, 2012

HW #5 Learning Style Assessment

What's Your Learning Style? Have you ever wondered why you do better in some classes than others? It may depend on your individual learning style.
Your learning style influences the way you understand information and solve problems.There are three primary learning styles:    Visual    Auditory    Tactile
Many people use a combination of learning styles, whereas others learn best by using just one. Want to know your learning style? You're just 20 questions away from finding out!
Just click on this link to get started.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

HW #4 Poster

Design a poster to encourage
members of the third estate to
campaign for a fairer way.
Include the reasons why people
were resentful of the rich on
your poster.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

HW #3 Enlightenment

Available on Junoed.com
Homework : Suggest a popular song with lyrics that better reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment than the ones that I selected. In one well written paragraph, you should summarize the ideas of one of the major thinkers, then explain why and how the lyrics correspond to those ideas.
RESPECT - Aretha Franklin
Freedom “ “
Born Free – Andy Williams
Bad to the Bone – ZZ Top
I Am Woman (Hear Me Roar) – Helen Reddy
Imagine – John Lennon
Mother Nature’s Son – Beatles
Revolution – Beatles
Easy to Be Cruel – Three Dog Night
You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Rolling Stones
We Don’t Need No Education – Pink Floyd
Money – Pink Floyd
Philosophes and their Ideas
•   Thomas Hobbes and the nature of society (all men are brutish). Idea that men must forfeit some personal freedoms for the benefit of having a strong ruler who maintains a peaceful and orderly society.
•   John Locke – Blank slate theory, natural rights and the idea that man has the right to overthrow a ruler who does not protect those rights.
•   Voltaire – tolerance; freedom of speech and religion.
•   Montesquieu – separation of government, checks and balances.
•   Rousseau – Noble Savage, ideas on education, social contract, the General Will.
•   Adam Smith – capitalism, the invisible hand
•   Mary Wollstonecraft – women’s rights
•   Cesare Becarria – opposed the use of torture

1. In one well written paragraph, you should summarize the ideas of one of the major thinkers.   (1 pt)
2. Name popular song with the lyrics pasted below that better reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment.  (1 pt)
3. Explain why and how the lyrics correspond to those ideas, citing the lyrics in your response.  (1 pt)

HW#2 Brain Pop Homework Scientific Revolution

HW#2 Brain Pop Homework Scientific Revolution on Junoed.com

1. The scientific method was developed to help scientists organize the process of solving problems  (1 pt)
T. The whole statement is true.
F. Some of the statement is false.

2. Which of these is not a step of the scientific method?  (1 pt)
A. Hypothesis
B. Plagiary
C. Experiment
D. Conclusion

3. Which of these words would you NOT associate with the scientific method?  (1 pt)
A. Disorganized
B. Organized
C. Data
D. Control

4. A hypothesis is...  (1 pt)
A. A random thought
B. An educated guess
C. An experiment
D. An answer

5. Which of these would be called results?  (1 pt)
A. Number of Fruit Flies
B. Counting Fruit Flies
C. Seeing Fruit Flies on an apple
D. Wondering why a fruit fly was born

6. What do you do to test a hypothesis?  (1 pt)
A. Create a spreadsheet with data
B. Design an experiment
C. Publish a scientific paper
D. Guess


Thursday, September 13, 2012


1. Based on your knowledge of global history create a chart comparing Constitutional monarchy to Representative democracy.
2. Based on this chart which type of government would you prefer to live under?  Explain why.
3. How did the Enlightenment change the people’s view of government?
4. As a result of the Enlightenment cite evidence of the changes desired by the people of Europe.

Monday, January 9, 2012

PowerPoint Project Instructions Monday- Friday

Learning Objective: You will be able to compare and contrast different totalitarian leaders from history.
Sample Powerpoint
PowerPoint Project Instructions

Do Now:

1. Log on

2. Go to global3c.blogspot.com

3. Click on Global PowerPoint projects

4. Go to start click on all programs

5. Click on Microsoft Office Power point

6. Type your name and Global power point project in the box.

Task: You are going to create a visual essay about two totalitarian dictators answering the following questions. Choose Hitler or Stalin.

1. What caused each leader to rise to power politically, socially and economically?

2. What effect did each leader have politically, socially and economically on their nations and the world? Was this effect positive or negative?

3. Please include pictures of political, social and economic situations as well as the historical figures.

4. Please use Google images for your pictures and either my blog or your notes for the information.

5. The slide show should be at least 12 slides long.

6. A title slide.

7. A slide to introduce each leader.

8. A slide to explain totalitarianism

9. Maps of each leaders home country.

10. A separate slide for each effect political, social and economical for each leader.

11. Pictures and explanations of methods used to secure and maintain power.

12. A slide for each leader explaining their effects either positive or negative on their home countries or the world.

13. A slide of your opinion on each leaders effects on the world.

14. Keep the text to a sentence or two at the most.

15. This should be a visual essay that you can reproduce on paper for an exam.