Tuesday, October 2, 2012

HW #6 French Revolution Flocabulary

1.  Where did Louis XVI live?  (1 pt)
2.  What day did the French people storm the Bastille?  (1 pt)
3.  What did Louis XVI wear?  (1 pt)
4.  What set of laws did Napoleon pass?  (1 pt)
5.  Where did the French citizens meet to swear an oath?  (1 pt)
6.  Who was "the biggest deal in France since Joan of Arc"?  (1 pt)
7.  What device was used to execute people during the Reign of Terror?  (1 pt)
8.  From what country did Napoleon have to retreat?  (1 pt)
9.  What was the name of the poorest social class?  (1 pt)
10.  Who led the Reign of Terror?  (1 pt)