Tuesday, September 18, 2012

HW#2 Brain Pop Homework Scientific Revolution

HW#2 Brain Pop Homework Scientific Revolution on Junoed.com

1. The scientific method was developed to help scientists organize the process of solving problems  (1 pt)
T. The whole statement is true.
F. Some of the statement is false.

2. Which of these is not a step of the scientific method?  (1 pt)
A. Hypothesis
B. Plagiary
C. Experiment
D. Conclusion

3. Which of these words would you NOT associate with the scientific method?  (1 pt)
A. Disorganized
B. Organized
C. Data
D. Control

4. A hypothesis is...  (1 pt)
A. A random thought
B. An educated guess
C. An experiment
D. An answer

5. Which of these would be called results?  (1 pt)
A. Number of Fruit Flies
B. Counting Fruit Flies
C. Seeing Fruit Flies on an apple
D. Wondering why a fruit fly was born

6. What do you do to test a hypothesis?  (1 pt)
A. Create a spreadsheet with data
B. Design an experiment
C. Publish a scientific paper
D. Guess