Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task below, and a conclusion.
(a) explain means “to make plain or understandable; to give reasons for or causes of; to
show the logical development or relationships of ”
(b) discuss means “to make observations about something using facts, reasoning, and
argument; to present in some detail”

Thematic Essay
Theme: Change [Individuals Who Have Changed History]
The beliefs and achievements of individuals have changed global history. These beliefs and achievements have had positive and negative effects on society.

Task: Identify two individuals who have changed global history and for each:
• Explain one belief or achievement of that individual
• Discuss the positive and/or negative effects of the individual’s belief or achievement

You may use any Napoleon Bonaparte,Toussaint Overture, Miguel Hidalgo or Jose de San Martin.

In your essay, be sure to
• Address all aspects of the Task
• Support the theme with relevant facts,examples, and details
• Use a logical and clear plan of organization
• Include an introduction and a conclusion that are beyond a simple restatement of the