Monday, January 9, 2012

PowerPoint Project Instructions Monday- Friday

Learning Objective: You will be able to compare and contrast different totalitarian leaders from history.
Sample Powerpoint
PowerPoint Project Instructions

Do Now:

1. Log on

2. Go to

3. Click on Global PowerPoint projects

4. Go to start click on all programs

5. Click on Microsoft Office Power point

6. Type your name and Global power point project in the box.

Task: You are going to create a visual essay about two totalitarian dictators answering the following questions. Choose Hitler or Stalin.

1. What caused each leader to rise to power politically, socially and economically?

2. What effect did each leader have politically, socially and economically on their nations and the world? Was this effect positive or negative?

3. Please include pictures of political, social and economic situations as well as the historical figures.

4. Please use Google images for your pictures and either my blog or your notes for the information.

5. The slide show should be at least 12 slides long.

6. A title slide.

7. A slide to introduce each leader.

8. A slide to explain totalitarianism

9. Maps of each leaders home country.

10. A separate slide for each effect political, social and economical for each leader.

11. Pictures and explanations of methods used to secure and maintain power.

12. A slide for each leader explaining their effects either positive or negative on their home countries or the world.

13. A slide of your opinion on each leaders effects on the world.

14. Keep the text to a sentence or two at the most.

15. This should be a visual essay that you can reproduce on paper for an exam.