Friday, September 9, 2011

Lego building task. Period's 5 and 8.

1. Using the Legos provided your group will create a structure (building or construction) from world history.

2. As a group on a sheet of loose leaf write down the structure's (building or construction)

a.  Approximate time period

b.  Society

c.  Geographic location

d.  Advantages (benefit) of the structure or the society that built the structure.

e.  Disadvantages (drawback) of the structure or the society that  built the structure.  

3. On the sheet of loose leaf create a top ten list. Rate this society against other societies in history and our modern day. Support your decision to rate this society as high or low as you have on your top ten list.

4. Design an invention for the society that would revolutionize the society moving it to the top of the your top ten list.