Thursday, September 15, 2011

Aim: How do you create a recipe for your own Revolution?

Smartboard Lesson

Do Now:  What are the 5 A's needed for a revolution?

Five A's necessary for Revolution to occur
1. At least two opposing sides
2. Access to weapons
3. Aims expressed in a slogan
4. Accomplished leaders
5. Ailments present socially, economically, and politically

As a group please create a revolution.

Recipe for Revolution
Geographic Location_________________________________________
I. Conditions (Ailments) Explain the problems in each category .
A. Political -

B. Social -

C. Economic- 

II. Aims (Goals or Philosophy) Explain the aims.
A. Must be clearly defined -

1. Make it into a slogan-

B. Leaders (Accomplished leaders) Explain who are the leaders and why?

1. Must have social and educational background that allows them to hold the new government together.

2. Must be able to produce a framework (structure) and a coalition (alliance) for a new government

a. The amount of opposition can't be too great, or to strong, or the revolution will continue.

III. Access to weapons.
Explain your access to weapons and how they will be used to start the revolution and keep the peace afterwards.