Friday, September 16, 2011

Aim: How do I create a recipe for revolution from revolutions in history?

Smartboard Lesson

Do Now:  (DO NOT COPY) Throughout world history, revolutions in different areas of the world have forever affected the way people think and live. A common thread among revolutions is that they have specific causes and effects. In the end, revolution is about change - change that continues to affect human history.

1. Discuss two major causes politically, socially, and/or economically of each of the two revolutions.
2. Describe two major effects politically, socially, and/or economically of each of the revolutions chosen.
3.  Explain which revolution, in your opinion, had the greatest impact on the world.

As a group you will create a recipe for one of the following revolutions.  Using your recipe for revolution and the 5 A's.

Recipe for Revolution
Geographic Location______________________________________________________________
I. Conditions (Ailments) Explain the problems in each category .
A. Political -

B. Social -

C. Economic- 

II. Aims (Goals or Philosophy) Explain the aims.
A. Must be clearly defined -

1. Make it into a slogan-

B. Leaders (Accomplished leaders) Explain who are the leaders and why?
1. Must have social and educational background that allows them to hold the new government together.
2. Must be able to produce a framework (structure) and a coalition (alliance) for a new government
a. The amount of  opposition can't be too great, or to strong, or the revolution will continue.

III. Access to weapons. Explain your access to weapons and how they will be used to start
 the revolution and keep the peace afterwards

Five A's necessary for Revolution to occur
1. At least two opposing sides
2. Access to weapons
3. Aims expressed in a slogan
4. Accomplished leaders
5. Ailments present socially, economically, and politically

French RevolutionThis is a featured page

What?: Uprising of the 3rd Estate (French middle class and peasants against King Louis and the nobility. (1st and 2nd estates)
FranceFrench Revolution - Globalpedia
King Louis XVI, The Third Estate
Unfair taxation and exposure to the ideas of the Enlightenment (brought home by French soldiers fighting on the American side in the American Revolution)
Results:1) The King is overthrown and a republic is established.
2) The rights of the French people are written in the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen”.
3) The middle class gains power.
4) Religion and the Church are outlawed in France.
Related Terms:
Clergy, Noble, Reign of Terror

Haitian RevolutionThis is a featured page

What?: Inspired by the American and French Revolutions, Haitian slaves rise up against the French.
HaitiHaitian Revolution - Globalpedia
The Haitians were led by Toussaint L’Ouveture
The Declaration of the Rights of Man abolished slavery, however Napoleon reinstated it because he
needed the revenue from the sugar plantations to pay for his wars in Europe.
The Haitians were primarily able to defeat the French because of the effects of yellow fever on the French army and the guerrilla tactics of the Haitian leader Toussaint L’ouveture
1) The French attempted to keep Haiti by force but failed despite causing untold destruction and casualties.
2) Haiti wins its independence making it the 2nd free Republic in the Western Hemisphere (The United States
was the first.)
3) By losing Haiti, napoleon needed to find a new source of revenue and therefore decided to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States (The Louisiana Purchase) thereby doubling the size of the U.S. and giving it an untold amount of resources.

Chinese Communist Revolution

Mao ZedongWho?: Mao Zedong (Mao Tse Tung)
Where?: China
When?: 1949-1976
What?: Leader of the Chinese Communists during the Civil War, he defeats Jiang and the Nationalists. Mao becomes the autocratic leader of Communist China from 1949 until his death in 1976.
Mao gained the support of China's large peasant population during the Civil War.
He attempted to modernize China during the Great Leap Forward
He attempted to renew the spirit of the Chinese Communist Revolution with the Cultural Revolution.
He wrote his ideas in his Little Red Book that his followers and Red Guard were required to read and carry as part of his "cult of personality".
Gave Chinese women equality
Redistributed land from the rich into state run communes.
1) China becomes a Communist dictatorship
2) The Nationalist are defeated and forced to flea to Taiwan
3) Chinese citizens sacrifice their natural rights for the good of the state.
4) Millions are killed, starved or jailed as China struggles to modernize itself after years of neglect brought on by imperialism, isolation and civil war.

Latin American RevolutionsThis is a featured page

What?: Uprising of the Creoles and others in the Americas against the Peninsulars and the government of Spain in Europe. Bolivar and San Martin
Where?: Latin America (From Venezuela in the North to Chile in the South)
When?: 1812-1830
Who?: The Liberators (Simon Bolivar, Bernard O’Higgins and Jose de San Martin)
How?: Nationalist uprising

1) The Creoles did not have equal rights or economic opportunities.
2) Many in the colonies were frustrated living upder the social structure imposed by Spain in Latin America.
1)The Spanish colonies of Latin America gain their independence from Spain.
2)The colonies are unable to establish a democratic government like their neighbor to the north (The United States)
3)The new countries of Latin America replace the authoritarian dictatorship of Spain with the authoritarian dictatorship of local rulers.
Quote: “I will never allow my hands to be idle nor my soul to rest until I have broken the chains laid upon us by Spain.”
Related Terms: Enlightenment, French Revolution

Russian RevolutionThis is a featured page

What? An uprising of the Russian workers and peasants against the Czar and the upper class.
Where? Russia silly. (Where else would you have a Russian Revolution)
When? 1917
Why? The Russian people lacked political power and the “bear necessities”

1)      Russia changes its name to the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR)
2)      The Czar is replaced with a dictatorship of the workers led by Lenin
3)      The new economic system used in the Soviet Union is communism where supposedly all the classes will be equal, however in actuality all that the Russians have done is replace the dictatorship of the Czar with the dictatorship of Lenin and the Communist Party.
4)      Religion and the Russian Orthodox Church is outlawed by the Communist Party.
Quote:  “Peace, Land, Bread.”  Promise made by Lenin to the Russian people.

Cuban RevolutionThis is a featured page

What?: A Political Revolution
CubaThe Cuban Revolution
Fidel Castro and the Cuban people

1) Cubans were unhappy with the corrupt U.S. supported dictator Fulgencio Batista
2) American corporations owned much of Cuba's resources
How?: Guerilla Warfare
1) Cuba becomes a Communist state
2) Cuba becomes an ally of the Soviet Union
3) The U.S. launches a trade embargo against any and all trade with Cuba leading to major economic hardships for the people of Cuba.
Realted Terms: Communism, Embargo, Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs Invasion, Embargo, Land Reform.