Monday, November 8, 2010

What were American and Japanese Imperialism?

Do Now: 
Please explain each type of Imperialism-
1. Colony
2. Protectorate
3. Sphere of Influence-
4. Explain the poem by Rudyard Kipling entitled "The White Mans Burden"? 

Japan Major Events:

1. Matthew Perry – U.S. Commodore sent by Pres. Fillmore demanding trade with Japan.  Power of weapons convinced Japan to sign treaty.  Perry returned one year later and Japan agreed to all of U.S. demand
2. Unfair Treaties
Shogun sign treaties with Great Britain, France, Holland, Russia and US
Shogun overthrown in 1868 due to unhappiness over “unfair treaties”
3. Meiji Restoration – Emperor  returns to rule in centralized form of government
  • Mutsuhito – “Enlightened Emperor” ; 1st of Meiji rulers
  • Tried to make Japan a great power by strengthening Japan politically, economically & militarily
    • Parliamentary government
    • Strengthened military   
    • Industrialization   
    • Universal Education    
4. Industrialization – modernized industry; began own industrial revolution
  • No loans from west – feared foreign takeover if defaulted
  • Infrastructure – postal & telegraph networks, railroads, port facilities
  • Modern Currency – coins and paper money
  • Growing population – provided cheap labor
5. Japanese Expansion:
  • Sino-Japanese War – Conflict between China and Japan begins own imperialism focus on Korea. Japan wins. 
  • Russo-Japanese War – Conflict between Russia and Japan over control of Korean peninsula and Manchuria.  Japan wins
American Imperialism
1. Manifest Destiny – term used to explain continental expansion by the United States.  Gave the US a sense of national destiny or purpose, and justification to expand its borders and push into territory it did not control.  A belief that North America should be under the control of Americans.

2. Monroe Doctrine – Warned European powers not to interfere in countries in Western Hemisphere.  2 major points:
       1. American continents can’t be colonized   
       2. US would prevent any attempt at colonization   
3. Spanish American War – war over Cuban independence from Spain
Jose Marti – led Cubans in a revolution against Spanish rule

4. U.S. motives – wanted Spanish out of western hemisphere and remaining overseas colonies
 “Remember the Maine” – 266 American’s died on board the Battleship Maine in the port of Havana – U.S. declared war on Spain (believed to have caused the explosion)

5. U.S. Territorial gains from Spanish American War: Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico

6. Panama Canal -Motives:
1. Trade     
2.  National security – needed to be able to quickly move US navy between Pacific and Atlantic ocean  

7. Mexican American War – cause was the US annexation of Texas
Motives: U.S. expansion in West