Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Aim: Why was Russia’s involvement in the war so important to the allies?

Do Now:  Europe Plunges into war

The Great War Begins
Armies on the March
• Russia moves troops to its borders with Austria and Germany
• Germany declares war on Russia, quickly attacks France
• Great Britain declares war on Germany

Nations Take Sides
• By mid-August 1914, two sides at war throughout Europe:
-Central Powers—Germany, Austria-Hungary (and other nations)
-Allies—Britain, France, Russia (and other nations)

A Bloody Stalemate
The Conflict Grinds Along
• Western Front—heavy battle zone in northern France
• Schlieffen Plan—German plan to defeat France, then fight Russia
• German army quickly advances to outskirts of Paris
• Forced to retreat at First Battle of the Marne
• Schlieffen Plan fails; Germany has to fight two-front war

War in the Trenches
• Conflict descends into trench warfare—armies fighting from trenches
• Battles result in many deaths, small land gains
• Life in trenches is miserable, difficult, unsanitary
• New weapons only lead to more deaths
• Massive losses for both sides at 1916 battles of Verdun and Somme

The Battle on the Eastern Front
Early Fighting
• Eastern Front—site of main fighting along the German-Russian border
• Russians push into Austria and Germany, but soon forced to retreat

Russia Struggles
• Russia’s war effort suffering by 1916; many casualties, few supplies
• Huge size of Russian army keeps it a formidable force
-prevents Germany from sending more troops to the Western Front