Monday, November 1, 2010

Aim: Why did Japan end its isolation?

Notes: Imperialism-seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country.

Modernization in Japan

Japan Ends Its Isolation

The Demand for Foreign Trade

• Treaty of Kanagawa (1854)—Japan opens two ports to American ships

• By 1860, Japan has trade agreements with many nations

Meiji Reform and Modernization

• Anger over these trade deals forces shogun to step down in 1867

• Meiji era—time of reform begun by Meiji emperor, Mutsuhito

• Meiji emperor reforms, modernizes using Western models

• By early 1900s, Japan has industrialized, is competitive with West

Imperial Japan Military Strength

• By 1890, Japan has strong navy and large army

• In 1894, Japan gets Western nations to give up special rights

Japan Attacks China

• Japan forces Korea to open three ports to Japanese trade in 1876

• In 1885, Japan and China agree not to send troops to Korea

• In 1894, China sends troops to put down rebellion in Korea

• Japan drives Chinese out of Korea, gains Chinese territory

Russo-Japanese War

• In 1903, Japan and Russia begin struggle over Manchuria

• Japan attacks Russia in 1904, launching Russo-Japanese War

• In 1905, treaty ends the war; Japan gains captured territories

Japanese Occupation of Korea

• Japan makes Korea a protectorate in 1905

• In 1910, Japan completes annexation of Korea

• Japan rules harshly in Korea, leading to growing Korean nationalism