Monday, December 19, 2011


1. Who were the victims of the Holocaust? Who were members of the “master race”?
2. Why might the people of a country want to blame a minority group for most of its
3. What were the Nuremberg Laws? What happened on the night of November 9, 1938?
4. Where did German Jews try to migrate to find safety from Nazi terror? Where were the
Jews forced to live in Polish cities? Why might Hitler have chosen Poland to put his
ghetto policy for “the Jewish problem” into place?
5. What was Hitler’s “final solution?” Why did Hitler believe that Jews and other
“subhumans” had to be exterminated?
6. Where were the concentration camps? Why did the Germans build extermination
7. When did the final stage of the “final solution” begin?
8. How could concentration camp doctors have justified to themselves the death and
suffering they caused other human beings?