Saturday, December 10, 2011

HW Russian Revolution #3-8

THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION (aka The Bolshevik Revolution)
  1. What prompted the March Revolution of 1917?
  2. What was the fate of Czar Nicholas and his family?
  3. A man named Alexander Kerensky will lead the provisional (temporary) government.  Identify TWO reasons why his government was not effective.
  4. Why did the Germans arrange for Lenin’s return to Russia?  (Lenin was living in exile at the time.)
  5. There was a second revolution in November of 1917.  (You will remember from the French Revolution that revolutions usually take place in stages.)  Who took over the government in 1917?
  6. What did this new government do to gain the support of peasants and factory workers?
  7. What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
  1. Communists are associated with the color red.  The Reds will fight White Armies in a civil war.  Identify TWO results of the Russian Civil War.