Friday, December 23, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Quiz on Russian Revolution

Learning Objective: You will be able to use prior knowledge of WWI to hypothesize (predict) the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Europe.


1. How did the war affect the land and people of Europe?
2. List three political problems postwar governments faced. Why might it have been
difficult to find democratic government leaders in post-Nazi Germany?
3. How did the Allies deal with the Holocaust?
4. List two effects of Allied bombing raids on Japan.
5. How did the U.S. occupation change Japan? List three provisions in Japan’s new

Monday, December 19, 2011

Learning Objective: You will be able analyze (break down) the rise and strengthening of Stalin’s power in Russia.


1. Who were the victims of the Holocaust? Who were members of the “master race”?
2. Why might the people of a country want to blame a minority group for most of its
3. What were the Nuremberg Laws? What happened on the night of November 9, 1938?
4. Where did German Jews try to migrate to find safety from Nazi terror? Where were the
Jews forced to live in Polish cities? Why might Hitler have chosen Poland to put his
ghetto policy for “the Jewish problem” into place?
5. What was Hitler’s “final solution?” Why did Hitler believe that Jews and other
“subhumans” had to be exterminated?
6. Where were the concentration camps? Why did the Germans build extermination
7. When did the final stage of the “final solution” begin?
8. How could concentration camp doctors have justified to themselves the death and
suffering they caused other human beings?

HW #3-15

1. What did Hitler and Stalin gain from signing a non-aggression pact in 1939?
2. What strategy did Hitler use to conquer Poland?
3. What would you say were the political reasons behind Stalin’s actions in Europe at the
beginning of World War II?
4. What was Hitler’s plan for conquering France?
5. What happened at Dunkirk?
6. What was the outcome of the Battle of Britain?
7. What happened when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union?
8. Describe the two ways in which the United States aided its Allies?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

HW #3-14

Write an Introduction for a thematic essay on Hitler and the Holocaust.
Topic 1 Hitler
Topic 2 Holocaust
Introduce Topic 1 Place and time then Topic 2 Place and Time

Define: Genocide

HW #3-13

The Munich Conference used appeasement to stop Nazi aggression. This is considered one of the biggest mistakes in military history. The Germans used their aggression to force countries to give into demands. They did this knowing that the other European countries did not want to fight in another world war. But WHAT IF the British and the French did not give into Hitler’s demands? WHAT IF they did not appease the dictator? How would the world be different? Explain in a 3-5 paragraph essay.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


1. How were fascism and communism different and how were they the same?
2. What factors led to the rise of fascism in Italy? How did Mussolini take control of the
3. How did Hitler take control in Germany? What were the key ideas and goals that Hitler
presented in Mein Kampf?
4. What effect did the Great Depression have on Hitler’s rise to power? Why did Germans
at first support Hitler? How did Hitler take total control of the lives of the people of
5. How did Hitler make war on the Jews?

Friday, December 16, 2011

HW BTW'S#3-11

1.    What problems existed in Germany during the 1920’s that led to the rise of extremist parties like the Nazis?
2.    What were the main ideas of Nazism?
3.    How did the Great Depression and the Treaty of Versailles help Hitler rise to power?
4.    Imagine you are a German citizen in the late 1920’s. The Depression has just hit and the world economy is plummeting, explain why you might support the Nazi Party?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

HW #3-10 Essay on Revolution

Theme: Change
Throughout history, political revolutions had many causes. These revolutions
affected society and led to many changes. The changes may or may not have
resolved the problems that caused the revolutions.
Choose one political revolution from your study of global history and
geography and:
• Explain the causes of the revolution
• Describe the effects this political revolution had on society
• Evaluate whether the changes that resulted from the political revolution
resolved the problems that caused it.

You may use the Russian Revolution (1917)
You are not limited to these suggestions.
In your essay, be sure to:
• Address all aspects of the Task
• Support the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details
• Use a logical and clear plan of organization
• Introduce the theme by establishing a framework that is beyond a simple
restatement of the Task and conclude with a summation of the theme

Monday, December 12, 2011

Learning Objective: You will be able to cite (name) and explain the causes and consequences (effects) of the Russian Revolution.

HW Russian Revolution #3-9

  1. Explain the elements of capitalism and communism in Lenin’s New Economic Policy.
  2. What new name did Russia get in 1922?
  3. How did Lenin organize Russia under this new name?
  4. What did the Bolsheviks rename their political party?
  5. Why did the Bolsheviks choose this name?
  6. Why did Joseph Stalin take over from Lenin in 1922?
  7. What did Lenin think of Stalin?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

HW Russian Revolution #3-8

THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION (aka The Bolshevik Revolution)
  1. What prompted the March Revolution of 1917?
  2. What was the fate of Czar Nicholas and his family?
  3. A man named Alexander Kerensky will lead the provisional (temporary) government.  Identify TWO reasons why his government was not effective.
  4. Why did the Germans arrange for Lenin’s return to Russia?  (Lenin was living in exile at the time.)
  5. There was a second revolution in November of 1917.  (You will remember from the French Revolution that revolutions usually take place in stages.)  Who took over the government in 1917?
  6. What did this new government do to gain the support of peasants and factory workers?
  7. What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
  1. Communists are associated with the color red.  The Reds will fight White Armies in a civil war.  Identify TWO results of the Russian Civil War.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Learning Objective: You will be able to cite (name) and explain the causes of the Russian Revolution.

Aim: What was the Russian Revolution?

Do Now:
1. What is a Czar?

2. Who was Karl Marx? And what did he want?

3. How does WWI lead to the Russian Revolution?


Russian Revolution

I. Czar Nicholas II

• a poor leader at best, compared to western kings

• cruel - sometimes brutal with opponents

• Sometimes kind - hired students as spies to make $

II. Karl Marx

• invented Communism

• "workers of the world unite", take over gov't

• dies before Russian Revolution

III. Communism

• same

• all people equal

• gov't owns everything, people own gov't

HW Russian Revolution #3-7

  1. Identify TWO ways Czar Alexander III attempted to wipe out revolutionaries in Russia.
  2. Identify TWO ways Czar Alexander III attempted to establish a uniform Russian culture.
  3. Who became the leader of Russia in 1894?
  4. Why did industrialization in Russia lead to unrest?
  5. Who were the Bolsheviks?
  6. How does your textbook describe Lenin?
  7. Explain how the Russo-Japanese War, Bloody Sunday and WWI paved the way for revolution.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Learning Objective: You will be able to compare different economic systems.

HW #WWI 3-6

Part II
Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task
below, and a conclusion.
Theme: Change -Turning Points

Turning points are major events in history that have led to lasting change.
Task: Identify a major turning point in global history :
• Describe the historical circumstances surrounding the turning point

• Describe the causes and key events that led to the turning point
• Explain how each turning point changed the course of history for
nations and peoples
You may use World War I. 
You are not limited to these suggestions.
Do not use any turning points in United States history

Monday, December 5, 2011

Web Quest- Learning Objective: You will summarize the causes, events, and effects of World War I.

The Task
What were people exposed to during World War I? What kind of
changes took place and how did they affect the war? How was
this war different from previous wars? You will analyze a series of
Web sites containing information on the various types of changes
made during this time.
You must carefully research your role. You must decide whether
or not the war was worth the physical, economic and emotional
prices paid by the countries involved.
Each team member will research one of the following roles:
Trench Warfare
New Weapons Technology
The Home Front
When you are finished, you will meet to discuss your research
and then choose which role your group thinks had the largest
impact on the war.

The Process
Conditions during World War I were bleak. For the first time, not
only did the soldiers suffer, but people living back home had
hardships as well. When the war began, people enthusiastically
supported it, however, by the time the war was under way, every
side just wanted it to end. Using the Web sites provided, you will
discover how World War I forever changed the way people think
about war. Follow these steps to complete your quest...

Step 1: First, divide up the work! Each person in the group should
have already been assigned a role. Your choices are: Trench
Warfare, New Weapons Technology, the Home Front and

Step 2: Next, each person will spend time going to their individual
role pages to gather research for their assigned role. When you
begin your research, make sure you have paper to take notes on
all the information you will find on the Internet sites I provide for
you. Put your name on these papers and keep them because you
will hand them in at the end as your "rough research copy." Make
sure you write down the URL of all Web sites used! Note: You
may gather information from other sources as well, but please cite
all work!

Step 3: Once all of your group members have completed their
research, you will meet to discuss your findings. Which condition
contributed the most to the war’s devastating effects? And, why?
Important! You need to listen to each other and give everyone a
chance to talk about their role. Hear each role and thoroughly
discuss the pros and cons to each role before making a decision.
If you disagree with each other, calmly discuss your side with your
team mates, if you can’t come to a decision, take a vote…majority
rules! When you are finished, answer the questions on the Group
Project Sheet. Make sure all group members' names are on the
sheet and it’s completely filled out. Don’t leave any blanks!

Step 4: Assemble your Individual Project Packets and hand in to
me by the due date. This should include all of the following neatly
stapled together…

Role Research Sheets: These are just the sheets of paper where
you took notes when researching your role.

Role Representation Sheet: This sheet contains all of the
information you found on your role. It also includes a picture, or
pictures, of your assigned role. The pictures can be copied from a
Web site, book, or can be hand drawn. Make sure you label all

Group Sheet: This sheet must be filled out by all group members.
Don’t leave any blanks!

Final Analysis: This part should be done individually and should
not match your other group members' answers. Please note,
answers of "I don't know" are unacceptable. You must think hard
and answer all parts of this task for credit. If you lost your sheet,
please answer the following questions on a separate piece of

1. The war was a stalemate and didn’t progress. Why do you think
countries continued to fight instead of ending the war early?

2. Life in the trenches caused soldiers to feel a combination of boredom
and terror. If you were in a trench, how would you combat these feelings?

3. If you lived through the war, which conditions would have bothered you
the most? Why?

4. How would our current situation (lives) change if the war in Iraq were
fought like World War I?

Bibliography: This sheet should list all of your sources. Make sure
you cite at least three Web sites!

Trench Warfare
Description of Role 1: Trench Warfare
You have been assigned the role of Trench Warfare. While
researching this role, consider the following: What was life like for
soldiers in the trenches? What hardships did they face? What are
some of the experiences they had? What was the purpose of the
Use these internet links to research your role:
Dynamics of Trenches
Spartacus Educational
First World War
Trench Warfare
The Trenches
Trench Warfare Defined
The Trench Experience
Intro to Trench Warfare

New Weapons Technology
Description of Role 2: New Weapons Technology
You have been assigned the role of New Weapons Technology.
While researching this role, consider the following: What types of
new weapons were used for the first time? What damage did they
inflict? What were the negative and positive effects of the

Use these internet links to research your role:

Weapons of the First World War
Detailed Description of Weapons
New Technology
Spartacus Educational
New Weapons
New Technology in Weaponry
New Weapons of WWI
Weapons to Consider
Weapons Links

The Home Front
Description of Role 3: The Home Front
You have been assigned the role of The Home Front. While
researching this role, consider the following: What was life like for
people on the Home Front? How did their lives change because
of the war? How did these changes affect political, economic, and
social institutions?

Use these internet links to research your role:
Spartacus Educational
Home Front
Misery on the Home Front
Women on the Home Front
Eating on the Home Front
Problems at Home
On the Home Front
Memories of the Home Front
Women Lead the Fight on the Home Front

Description of Role 4: Propaganda
You have been assigned the role of Trench Warfare. While
researching this role, consider the following: What was life like for
child laborers in this profession during the Industrial Revolution?
How and where did they live? What hardships did they face?
What are some of the experiences they had? How did they dress,
look, act, etc?
Use these internet links to research your role:

Propaganda’s Role
Problems at Home
On the Home Front
WWI & Propaganda
Leaflets from Above
Propaganda Posters
American Posters

How do you think you did? You completed the WebQuest both
individually and with your group members. The chart below will
help you to calculate where your grade will come from:

Follow the directions as noted in the "Task" and “Process” section of this
WebQuest. You will be assessed based upon the following guidelines:

Individual Portion of the Project …Point Value=75 pts
10 pts…Research Notes
-Contains a thorough with a written record of sites
researched=10 pts
-Is a partial list of random research, is illegible in spots=5 pts
-Is missing or is totally illegible=0 pts
25 pts…Role Representation Sheet
-Contains information that fully answers all points in the
task=25 pts
-Contains partial information, is inaccurate, leaves some
blanks=15 pts
-Only completes one side (information or drawing)=5 pts
-Doesn’t answer to the task or is incorrect=0 pts
15 pts…Final Analysis
-Thoroughly answers all questions posed.=10 pts
-Answers some parts, but not completely=5 pts
-Fails to answer questions, leaves blanks=0 pts
15 pts…Structure
-Includes spelling, grammar, neatness, design…
-Is neatly packaged, has no more than 5 spelling/grammar
problems, shows evidence of effort through careful
design=10 pts
-Packaging is sloppy in areas, has no more than 10
spelling/grammar errors, design is flawed, but workable=5pts
-Packaging is sloppy, there are many spelling/grammar
errors, design looks rushed or non-existent=0 pts
10 pts…Bibliography
-Includes at least 3 Web sites with name of Web site
including full URL. Additional information should contain
book name with page number, or magazine name with
article and page numbers=10 pts
-Lists partial information, or doesn’t use at least 3 sites=5 pts
-Fails to provide any citation information=0 pts
Group Portion of the Project…Point Value=25 pts
25 pts…World War I Group Sheet
-Is neatly and completely filled out, leaving no blanks=25 pts
-Is missing information, sloppy=15 pts
-Is sloppy, blank, or missing from final packet=0 pts
Please Note: Late projects will lose points for each day late!
Please see me if you have any questions!

Finished? Great job…You did it! You and your teammates have
successfully decided upon your idea of the most devastating
effects of World War I. Before handing in your final group project,
please make sure your group has completed all of their work. The
following should be handed in:

Individual Project Packets (See Process for guidelines)
There should be a total of four separate packets! Make sure your
names are on each of the individual packets!

So, after researching World War I, how do you feel about
warfare? It has been said that World War I was the “War to end all
wars.” If that is so, then how come there are so many wars still
raging today? Something to think about as your generation
prepares to rule the world…

Friday, December 2, 2011

HW #WWI 3-5

Word War I WebQuest -Page 2
In the space provided below, attach or draw a picture of your assigned role.
Make sure you label the picture showing the specifics of your role and explain your role in at least 5-6 sentences. .

Thursday, December 1, 2011

HW #WWI 3-4

1.        1. Describe how WWI was stalemated from 1914-1916. Provide examples of battles and casualties.
2.        2. What were the new tools of war?
3.        3.  Which alliance did Russia align with?
4.        4.  Why did Russia have difficulty getting the needed supplies for war?
5.        5.  What advantage did Russia have?