Friday, January 14, 2011


Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task
below, and a conclusion.
Theme: Change — Ideas
The ideas of individuals have had a significant influence on groups, nations,
and regions.
Select two individuals and for each
• Explain a specific idea developed by the individual
• Describe the historical circumstances that surrounded the development of
the idea
• Discuss how the idea influenced a group or a nation or a region
You may use any individual whose ideas had a significant influence from your study of
global history. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include Confucius,
Niccolò Machiavelli, Galileo Galilei, John Locke, Simón Bolívar, Karl Marx, Kemal Atatürk,
Nelson Mandela, Deng Xiaoping, and Mikhail Gorbachev.