Monday, January 17, 2011


1.      Joseph Stalin's five-year plans in the Soviet Union?
2.       Major reason for Adolf Hitler's rise to power?
3.      Treaty of Versailles
4.      League of Nations
5.      Nonviolence
6.      The White Man's Burden
7.      Mohandas K. Gandhi
8. Class struggles
9. Bourgeois
10. John Locke
11. Adam Smith
12. Karl Marx Otto von Bismarck
13. Scientific Revolution
14. Enlightenment
15. Appease
16. Munich Conference
17. Fascist Italy
18. Totalitarian governments
19. Meiji Restoration
 20. Industrialization
21. Pogroms in Russia
22. Nazi Holocaust
23.  Sepoy Mutiny in India
24. Boxer Rebellion in China
25. Impact of the Industrial Revolution on England
26. French Revolution
27. Opium War
28. Russo-Japanese War
29. Joseph Stalin governed by means of
30. Nationalism
31. Militarism
32. Causes of World War
33. The Communist Manifesto
34. Neolithic Revolution
35. Simon Bolivar
36. Vladimir. I. Lenin
37. Adolf Hitler
38. Benito Mussolini
39. Emperor Meiji
40. Collective farms
41. The technology developed during World War I resulted in
42. World War I
43. WWII
44. Bolshevik/Russian  Revolution  of 1917in
45. Armenian massacre in Turkey
46. Rise of Nazism in Germany
47. Social Darwinism
48. European imperialism in the late 19th century
49. Independence movement in India
50. The establishment of communist governments
51. Latin American revolutions in the early 19th century
52. Unification of Germany and of Italy and to the eventual breakup of Austria-Hungary and of the Ottoman Empire?
53. Imperialism
54. Nationalism