Wednesday, December 1, 2010

HW #10-2

1.    What was the Paris peace Conference and when and where was it held?
2.    Which men composed the group known as the “Big Four” and which nation did each represent?
3.    Why was the United States (Wilson) less after revenge than the European nations?
4.    What was the compromised that was written at the Paris Peace Conference called?
5.    Describe which of Wilson’s Fourteen Points was included.
6.    In what ways’ did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany?
7.    Which new nations were created in the aftermath of the Treaty of Versailles?
8.    How was the United States viewed post WWI in regards to power?
9.    In what way do you think the Treaty of Versailles itself can be considered a cause for WWII? 
10.    Opinion-Do you think that the Treaty of Versailles was fair? Include three factual points to support your opinion.