Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Aim: What were Lenin's policies?

Do Now:
1. Who was Lenin? What did he promise?

2. What problems occurred after Lenin's death? (COPY Notes)

I Lenin’s New Economic Policy 1921-28 (NEP)

1. Tries to save economy by retreating from “pure communism.”

2. Small industry returned to private ownership

3. Peasants allowed to sell crops after meeting government quota.

4. Foreign capital invited and foreign trainers invited.

b. Russia’s economy was restored.

-Lenin died 1924

II Stalin’s rise to Power.

A. Josef Stalin 1879- 1953

1. General secretary of the Communist Party

2. Ruthless a Machiavellian.

3. The Build up of the Soviet Union should be first.

B. Leon Trotsky

1. Intellectual and well known.

2. Helped Spread Communist Revolution worldwide.

3. Forced to live in exile in Mexico.

-Came to know the famous Mexican artist Frida

was one of her lovers.

4. Killed by enemies in 1940

IV Economic Plans

A. Five Year Plans 1928-58

1. Designed to build up industry and agriculture.

2. Only the Heavy industry focused on Iron, Steel,

Chemical and Electrical…etc.

B. Central Planning Agency GOSPLAN

1. Command Economy- makes quotas which industries &

factories must meet in a 5 year period.

2. Incentives prizes and medals awarded as well as higher wages

for those who out perform.

C. Problems

1. Neglected consumer production such as food clothing,

housing… etc

V Collective Farms

A. All land combined

1. Farmers worked land together

2. each with a special job

3. quotas to be met

B. Problems:

1. Crop failure 1931-32

2. Kulaks: wealthier farmers who protested. Killed their animals.

a. Millions executed or sent to Siberia (approximately 10 million died)

VI. Communes

A. Huge farms - 100’s or 1,000’s work

B. Live together

C. Failed