Monday, December 20, 2010

AIM: Why was Mussolini able to come to power in Italy?

“Believe, Fight, Obey” A man sent by God," the pope called him
In response to political turmoil and economic crisis, Italy and Germany turned to totalitarian dictators. 

Do Now: 1. Fascism is the complete opposite of…Marxian Socialism.
What is Marxian Communism/Socialism? Explain.
2. What is Fascism? 
Fascism : A system of government that promotes extreme nationalism, repression, anticommunism, and is ruled by a dictator.

I. Fascism
1. Political concept or ideology.
2. Attempts to regenerate the social, economic and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging (Nationalism) or ethnic identity (Race).
3. Fascism rejects ideas such as freedom, individual rights, and presses for the destruction of elections, legislatures, and other elements of democracy.

II Italy after WWI
1. The condition of Italy at the time (economic and social)
a. unemployment, inflation, high taxes.
2. The ineffectiveness of the existing government in the face of increasing problems.
a. angry with leadership didn’t get land wanted in peace treaty.

III Benito Mussolini
1. Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945), premier-dictator of Italy (1922-1943)
2. He wanted to be seen as the ‘father’ of the nation, the inspirational leader who led Italy back to Imperial splendor of Rome.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aim: What was the League of Nations?
Do Now:
  1. What is the UN?
  2. What is its purpose?
  3. Define: Humanitarian
League of Nations: international organization of countries created to promote world peace and cooperation.
A. Purpose

1. Maintain international peace

2. Develop friendly relations

3. Cooperate in solving problems – Economics, social, cultural, humanitarian,

4. Help nations reach goals

Monday, December 13, 2010

AIM: Why do treaties fail?

Do Now:(A Flawed Peace)


Key Leaders Come Together
Group of leaders known as the Big Four dominate
peace talks:
- U.S. president Woodrow Wilson
- French ruler Georges Clemenceau
- David Lloyd George of Great Britain
- Vittorio Orlando of Italy 
Wilson’s Plan for Peace
Wilson proposes Fourteen Points—outline for
lasting world peace
Calls for free trade and end to secret alliances,
military buildups
Promotes self-determination—right of people to
govern own nation
Envisions international peace-keeping body to
settle world disputes
The Versailles Treaty
Britain, France oppose Wilson’s ideas; want to
punish Germany
Allies, Germany sign accord, Treaty of
Versailles, in June 1919 
- creates League of Nations—international
organization to keep peace
- blames Germans for war, forces Germany to
pay damages to nations
- League to rule German colonies until deemed
ready for independence
The Creation of New Nations
Versailles treaty, other peace accords change the
look of Europe
Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire all
lose lands
Former Ottoman lands in Southwest Asia turn
into mandates
New countries created in southeastern Europe;
Russia gives up land
A Peace Built on Quicksand
Treaty of Versailles creates feelings of bitterness
on both sides
German people feel bitter and betrayed after
taking blame for war
America never signs Treaty of Versailles
- many Americans oppose League of Nations
and involvement with Europe
Some former colonies express anger over not
winning independence
Japan, Italy criticize agreement; gain less land
than they want

AIM: Why do treaties fail?

Do Now:
  1. Do you think WWI was avoidable?
  2. What were the results of WWI?
Treaty of Versailles
1) Germany (who’s delegates were not allowed to participate in the peace conference) was forced to accept blame for the war and to pay reparations to the allies.

2) Austria-Hungry and the Ottoman Empire were broken up and new nations based upon popular sovereignty were created in Eastern Europe.

3) A League of Nations was created to settle future disputes between nations.

4) The Treaty does not resolve the causes of the War, and plants the seeds that lead to World War II.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Aim: What was life like under Stalin?

Do Now: 1. In your own words compare Lenin’s National
Economic Policy to Stalin’s Five-Year Plan.

V Collective Farms

A. All land combined

1. Farmers worked land together

2. each with a special job

3. quotas to be met

B. Problems:

1. Crop failure 1931-32

2. Kulaks: wealthier farmers who protested.

Killed their animals.

a. Millions executed or sent to Siberia

(approximately 10 million died)

VI. Communes

A. Huge farms - 100’s or 1,000’s work

B. Live together

C. Failed

I. Establishment of a Totalitarian State.

A. When one political party has total control

1. Leader of the party has absolute control (Stalin)

B. Suppressed opposition

1. Use of secret police

2. “Purges” - exile or kill suspected enemies within the Communist Party

C. Government control of newspapers, radio, T.V., magazines

1. Use of propaganda

II. Social aspects of Communism

A. Individual rights (though in the constitution) mean nothing

B. Equality for women

1. Workforce, salaries, etc.

C. Public education for all.
D. Religious teachers persecuted. Atheists.

Review for Exam WWI to Russian Revolution

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Aim: How did the Russian Revolution change Russia? Now:
1. Do you have a plan for the next five years?

2. What type of plans would a leader have for a country for five years?

3. How could a leaders 5 year plan be a positive or a negative for the people of that country?


I. Establishment of a Totalitarian State.

A. When one political party has total control

1. Leader of the party has absolute control (Stalin)

B. Suppressed opposition

1. Use of secret police

2. “Purges” – exile or kill suspected enemies within the Communist Party

C. Government control of newspapers, radio, T.V., magazines

1. Use of propaganda

II. Social aspects of Communism

A. Individual rights (though in the constitution) mean nothing

B. Equality for women

1. Workforce, salaries, etc.

C. Public education for all

D. Religious teachers persecuted. Atheists.

III Economic Plans

A. Five Year Plans 1928-58

1. Designed to build up industry and agriculture.

2. Only the Heavy industry focused on Iron, Steel, Chemical and Electrical…etc.

B. Central Planning Agency GOSPLAN

1. Command Economy- makes quotas which industries & factories must meet in a 5 year period.

2. Incentives prizes and medals awarded as well as higher wages for those who out perform.

C. Problems

1. Neglected consumer production such as food clothing, housing… etc

VI Collective Farms

A. All land combined

1. Farmers worked land together

2. each with a special job

3. quotas to be met

B. Problems:

1. Crop failure 1931-32

2. Kulaks: wealthier farmers who protested. Killed their animals.

a. Millions executed or sent to Siberia (approximately 10 million died)

V. Communes

A. Huge farms – 100’s or 1,000’s work

B. Live together

C. Failed

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Aim: What were Lenin's policies?

Do Now:
1. Who was Lenin? What did he promise?

2. What problems occurred after Lenin's death? (COPY Notes)

I Lenin’s New Economic Policy 1921-28 (NEP)

1. Tries to save economy by retreating from “pure communism.”

2. Small industry returned to private ownership

3. Peasants allowed to sell crops after meeting government quota.

4. Foreign capital invited and foreign trainers invited.

b. Russia’s economy was restored.

-Lenin died 1924

II Stalin’s rise to Power.

A. Josef Stalin 1879- 1953

1. General secretary of the Communist Party

2. Ruthless a Machiavellian.

3. The Build up of the Soviet Union should be first.

B. Leon Trotsky

1. Intellectual and well known.

2. Helped Spread Communist Revolution worldwide.

3. Forced to live in exile in Mexico.

-Came to know the famous Mexican artist Frida

was one of her lovers.

4. Killed by enemies in 1940

IV Economic Plans

A. Five Year Plans 1928-58

1. Designed to build up industry and agriculture.

2. Only the Heavy industry focused on Iron, Steel,

Chemical and Electrical…etc.

B. Central Planning Agency GOSPLAN

1. Command Economy- makes quotas which industries &

factories must meet in a 5 year period.

2. Incentives prizes and medals awarded as well as higher wages

for those who out perform.

C. Problems

1. Neglected consumer production such as food clothing,

housing… etc

V Collective Farms

A. All land combined

1. Farmers worked land together

2. each with a special job

3. quotas to be met

B. Problems:

1. Crop failure 1931-32

2. Kulaks: wealthier farmers who protested. Killed their animals.

a. Millions executed or sent to Siberia (approximately 10 million died)

VI. Communes

A. Huge farms - 100’s or 1,000’s work

B. Live together

C. Failed

HW #10-2

1.    What was the Paris peace Conference and when and where was it held?
2.    Which men composed the group known as the “Big Four” and which nation did each represent?
3.    Why was the United States (Wilson) less after revenge than the European nations?
4.    What was the compromised that was written at the Paris Peace Conference called?
5.    Describe which of Wilson’s Fourteen Points was included.
6.    In what ways’ did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany?
7.    Which new nations were created in the aftermath of the Treaty of Versailles?
8.    How was the United States viewed post WWI in regards to power?
9.    In what way do you think the Treaty of Versailles itself can be considered a cause for WWII? 
10.    Opinion-Do you think that the Treaty of Versailles was fair? Include three factual points to support your opinion.