Tuesday, September 25, 2012

HW #4 Poster

Design a poster to encourage
members of the third estate to
campaign for a fairer way.
Include the reasons why people
were resentful of the rich on
your poster.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

HW #3 Enlightenment

Available on Junoed.com
Homework : Suggest a popular song with lyrics that better reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment than the ones that I selected. In one well written paragraph, you should summarize the ideas of one of the major thinkers, then explain why and how the lyrics correspond to those ideas.
RESPECT - Aretha Franklin
Freedom “ “
Born Free – Andy Williams
Bad to the Bone – ZZ Top
I Am Woman (Hear Me Roar) – Helen Reddy
Imagine – John Lennon
Mother Nature’s Son – Beatles
Revolution – Beatles
Easy to Be Cruel – Three Dog Night
You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Rolling Stones
We Don’t Need No Education – Pink Floyd
Money – Pink Floyd
Philosophes and their Ideas
•   Thomas Hobbes and the nature of society (all men are brutish). Idea that men must forfeit some personal freedoms for the benefit of having a strong ruler who maintains a peaceful and orderly society.
•   John Locke – Blank slate theory, natural rights and the idea that man has the right to overthrow a ruler who does not protect those rights.
•   Voltaire – tolerance; freedom of speech and religion.
•   Montesquieu – separation of government, checks and balances.
•   Rousseau – Noble Savage, ideas on education, social contract, the General Will.
•   Adam Smith – capitalism, the invisible hand
•   Mary Wollstonecraft – women’s rights
•   Cesare Becarria – opposed the use of torture

1. In one well written paragraph, you should summarize the ideas of one of the major thinkers.   (1 pt)
2. Name popular song with the lyrics pasted below that better reflects the ideas of the Enlightenment.  (1 pt)
3. Explain why and how the lyrics correspond to those ideas, citing the lyrics in your response.  (1 pt)

HW#2 Brain Pop Homework Scientific Revolution

HW#2 Brain Pop Homework Scientific Revolution on Junoed.com

1. The scientific method was developed to help scientists organize the process of solving problems  (1 pt)
T. The whole statement is true.
F. Some of the statement is false.

2. Which of these is not a step of the scientific method?  (1 pt)
A. Hypothesis
B. Plagiary
C. Experiment
D. Conclusion

3. Which of these words would you NOT associate with the scientific method?  (1 pt)
A. Disorganized
B. Organized
C. Data
D. Control

4. A hypothesis is...  (1 pt)
A. A random thought
B. An educated guess
C. An experiment
D. An answer

5. Which of these would be called results?  (1 pt)
A. Number of Fruit Flies
B. Counting Fruit Flies
C. Seeing Fruit Flies on an apple
D. Wondering why a fruit fly was born

6. What do you do to test a hypothesis?  (1 pt)
A. Create a spreadsheet with data
B. Design an experiment
C. Publish a scientific paper
D. Guess


Thursday, September 13, 2012


1. Based on your knowledge of global history create a chart comparing Constitutional monarchy to Representative democracy.
2. Based on this chart which type of government would you prefer to live under?  Explain why.
3. How did the Enlightenment change the people’s view of government?
4. As a result of the Enlightenment cite evidence of the changes desired by the people of Europe.