Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Learning Objective: You will analyze and explain the reasons for a historical event.

Activity A
Read The Road to War: The Triple Alliance and The Road to War: The Triple Entente articles.Create a separate word document and save it as Your Name First and Last WWI Analysis of a Historical Event when you are finished print it out on P2 for yourself and email it to me. Create and fill in the table below to show the main sources of tension between each country.



Austria Hungary
Great Britain

Austria Hungary


Great Britain


Where’s the BEEF?
Activity B
  1. Use The Road to War: The Triple Alliance and The Road to War: The Triple Entente articles to create on the word document a list of the factors that caused the outbreak of war.
  2. Divide your list into 3 columns:
    • (1) Long Term Causes
      (2) Short Term Causes
      (3) Trigger Causes

Long Term Causes
Short Term Causes
Trigger Causes
The Triple Alliance -Include names

The Triple Entente  -Include names

Activity C
Discuss the following questions in pairs.(Record your answer and you  partners answers on the word document.)
  1. Did the system of alliances make war more or less likely?
  2. Do you think that keeping peace was a priority for each of the following countries:
    • (1) Germany?
      (2) Austria/ Hungary?
      (3) Britain?
      (4) France?
      (5) Russia?
  3. Which alliance was the strongest - the Triple Entente or the Triple Alliance?
Activity D
At his trial the man who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Gavrilo Princip) said:
'I am not a criminal, for I destroyed a bad man. I thought I was right.’
2 years later he said that if he had known what was to follow he would never have assassinated the Archduke.
Do you think that if Princip had not fired those 2 fatal shots, the war would not have started? Use the information from the Timeline and The Road to War: The Triple Alliance and The Road to War: The Triple Entente articles to support your argument in a paragraph. 

Activity E
Step 1: The First World War resulted in the deaths of millions of people. As we can see in the diary extracts, people in Britain at the time had no doubt that Germany was to blame for starting the war.
Today many historians would disagree with this. They argue that other countries should share the blame.
In Pairs discuss whether any of the following countries should share some of the blame.
  • Britain
  • France
  • Russia
  • Serbia
  • Italy
  • Austria-Hungary
Use the Timeline and The Road to War: The Triple Alliance and The Road to War: The Triple Entente articles to help you make a decision. Record your reasons and your partners on the word document.

Step 2: At the Treaty of Versailles Germany was blamed for the start of the war. Was Germany really to blame? What do you think?
Which of the following statements do you think is the most accurate.
  • Germany was rightly blamed for starting the war
  • Germany was mainly responsible but other countries should except some blame.
  • All of the major powers helped to start the war. They should share the blame.
  • War was inevitable. No country should be blamed.
Prepare notes to support your argument and defeat opposing arguments during a whole class debate. In at least a paragraph.
Extension Activity
Examine the Timeline and The Road to War: The Triple Alliance and The Road to War: The Triple Entente articles carefully. 
Exit Ticket:
Did the events leading to the outbreak of the First World War have to have happened in this order to bring about war?