Friday, October 14, 2011

Aim: What was daily life like for Child Laborers living during the Industrial Revolution?

The Task
You will take on the role of a child labor. What was life like for
people your age and younger during the Industrial Revolution?
You will analyze a series of Web sites containing information on
the various types of jobs children worked during this time.
You must carefully research your role. You must decide what
reforms should be made in order to help you change your

Each team member will research one of the following roles:
Factory Worker
Seafood & Farm Hand
When you are finished, you will meet to discuss your roles and
then choose which job your group thinks was the worst for the
time period.

Step 3: Once all of your group members have completed their
research, you will meet to discuss your findings. Which role do
you think had it the worst? Important! You need to listen to each
other and give everyone a chance to talk about their role. Hear
each role and thoroughly discuss the pros and cons to each
profession before making a decision. If you disagree with each
other, calmly discuss your side with your team mates, if you can’t
come to a decision, take a vote…majority rules! When you are
finished, answer the questions on the Group Project Sheet. Make
sure all group members' names are on the sheet and it’s
completely filled out. Don’t leave any blanks!

Step 4: Assemble your Individual Project Packets and hand in to
me by the due date. This should include all of the following neatly
stapled together…

Role Research Sheets: These are just the sheets of paper where
you took notes when researching your role.

Role Representation Sheet: This sheet contains all of the
information you found on your profession. It also includes a
picture of a person representing your assigned role. It can be
copied from a Web site, or hand drawn. Make sure you label it!
Roll Representation Sheet

Group Sheet: This sheet must be filled out by all group members.
Don’t leave any blanks!
 Group Worksheet
Final Analysis: This part should be done individually and should
not match your other group members' answers. Please note,
answers of "I don't know" are unacceptable. You must think hard
and answer all parts of this task for credit. If you lost your sheet,
please answer the following questions on a separate piece of
1. Many parts of the world still use child laborers today. What
items in your house may have been made by children?
2. Why do you think children are still working around the world?
3. Do you think child labor this is right or wrong? Explain.
4. What can you do to help children working as child laborers
5. What would be the impact of your actions?
 Final Analysis
Bibliography: This sheet should list all of your sources. Make sure
you cite at least three Web sites!

The Process
Just like child laborers of the Industrialization, you too will work
hard and long on your job. However, instead of physical labor,
you will use brain power to complete this task! Follow these steps
to complete your quest...
Step 1: First, divide up the work! Each person in the group should
have already been assigned a role. Your choices are: Textile,
Worker, Miner, Farm Hand or Newsboy.

Step 2: Next, each person will spend time going to their individual
role pages to gather research for their assigned role. When you
begin your research, make sure you have paper to take notes on
all the information you will find on the Internet sites I provide for
you. Put your name on these papers and keep them because you
will hand them in at the end as your "rough research copy." Make
sure you write down the URL of all Web sites used! Note: You
may gather information from other sources as well, but please cite
all work!

Factory Worker
Description of Role 1: Factory Worker
You have been assigned the role of a Factory Worker. While
researching this role, consider the following: What was life like for
child laborers in this profession during the Industrial Revolution?
How and where did they live? What hardships did they face?
What are some of the experiences they had? How did they dress,
look, act, etc?
Use these internet links to research your role:
The History Place
Child Laborers
Daily Life
Children During the Industrial Revolution
Child Factory Workers
Additional Links

Description of Role 2: Miner
You have been assigned the role of a Miner. While researching
this role, consider the following: What was life like for child
laborers in this profession during the Industrial Revolution? How
and where did they live? What hardships did they face? What are
some of the experiences they had? How did they dress, look, act,
Use these internet links to research your role:
The History Place
Child Laborers
Daily Life
Children During the Industrial Revolution
Individual Miner’s Stories
Child Miners
Additional Links

Seafood Worker / Farm Hand
Description of Role 3: Seafood Worker / Farmer Hand
You have been assigned the role of a Seafood Worker / Farm
Hand. While researching this role, consider the following: What
was life like for child laborers in this profession during the
Industrial Revolution? How and where did they live? What
hardships did they face? What are some of the experiences they
had? How did they dress, look, act, etc?
Use these internet links to research your role:
The History Place
Child Laborers
Daily Life
Children During the Industrial Revolution
Primary Source
Agricultural Changes
Additional Links

Description of Role 4: Newsboy (Newsie)
You have been assigned the role of a Newsboy. While
researching this role, consider the following: What was life like for
child laborers in this profession during the Industrial Revolution?
How and where did they live? What hardships did they face?
What are some of the experiences they had? How did they dress,
look, act, etc?
Use these internet links to research your role:
The History Place
Child Laborers
Daily Life
Children During the Industrial Revolution
Hot Off the Press
Newsies Strike!
Additional Links