Monday, October 4, 2010

HW#8 Newspaper Article

You are living in Britain at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. As we have seen the
population of Britain is growing and people are moving from jobs in cottages and farms to jobs in
towns working in big factories. These factories have been set up to use new machines to produce
more goods for the growing number of people living in Britain.
As a Newspaper reporter it is going to be your job to investigate claims that these factories are
using child workers. You also need to write a newspaper article on:
‘The conditions in factories for Children’
To help you with writing this report you will need to:
A) Look at the sources 1-5 below and consider what each source tells us about:
The Jobs children did
Accidents which often happened
Punishments children faced
The Food children were given
The Hours children worked
B) Begin writing your newspaper article by thinking of a good heading and detailing what your
investigation of the sources has found.
C) Prepare a list of questions for a factory owner. As part of the report you will also be able to
interview a leading Factory Owner