Thursday, September 30, 2010

HW # 7 Due Friday Oct 8th

Homework; Please read 714-722
1. What were four factors that contributed to industrialization in Britain?
2. How did rising population help the Industrial Revolution?
3. What American invention aided the British textile industry?
4. Was the revolution in agriculture necessary to the industrial Revolution? Explain?

Please Define and add Industrial Revolution,
factors of production,
and Economics to your vocabulary section.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Aim: How did events in Europe trigger wars of independence in South America?

Do Now:
1. How does political change affect structures of power? (Example:how did the election of Barrack Obama change the US?)

2. What role does wealth (money) play in the demonstration (use) of power?

I. Classes and Conflict in Colonial Latin America
A. Peninsulares - colonists born in Spain; held important political and military jobs
    1. Resented by Creoles, who saw them as staying in Latin America long enough to gain     materially and then leave
B. Creoles- well educated, wealthy colonists born in Latin America to Spanish parents  
    1. Inspired by Enlightenment ideals of the rights of man and representative governments;     resented privileges of Peninsulares
C. Mestizos - born of Spanish and Indian parents; worked as clerks or estate overseers
    1. Also wanted rights and freedoms- they challenged elite ideas of revolution by asserting their     own rights
D. Peons- Indians, Africans, and people of mixed ethnicities who worked as laborers and lived in extreme poverty
    1. They were not all slaves, but still lived in virtual enslavement
II. Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin: Liberators of South America
A. Creole Elites
    1. Studied Enlightenment theories in Europe
    2. Participated in resistance movements in Europe and Latin America
    3. Bolivar is often called the "George Washington of South America"
B. Revolts
    1. 1810 San Martin liberates Argentina
    2. 1810 Bolivar begins liberation of Venezuela; liberates Ecuador and Colombia
    3. 1817 San Martin liberates Chile
    4. 1824 Combined forces of Bolivar and San Martin liberate Peru; by 1824 Peru, Uruguay,     Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile were all free states.
III. Problems with New Nations
A. Instability
    1. Border disputes were common and provoked wars
    2. Lack of infrastructure and harsh terrain made national unity difficult
B. Persistence of social inequality
    1. One crop export systems dominated economy and perpetuated poverty as poor had little land     for subsistence farming
C. Caudillos- "strong men" or dictators
    1. Ruled by military force
    2. Supported by landed elites, propped up existing order
D. Problems persist to this day
    1. Latin economies are dependent on Western nations for exports
    2. Extremes in wealth and poverty still exist

Answer: Because of the wars with Napoleon in Europe, European countries lost control of their colonies and by the time they tried to regain control, strong South American leaders had already been developed.

Monday, September 27, 2010


To keep this course ‘hands on’ you are required, to bring in a food item, picture or drawing for discussion. This should be something of distinct ethnic origin from a particular world region outside of the United States and its territories.(Puerto Rico is part of the U.S.) Depending on the chosen item, you could bring enough for everyone to have a small sample. You need to explain this item to the class: where it comes from (region, environment, relative location), what it is, how it is used, how it is made (if it is a processed food), and so on.


Today, in the United States, we grow 250 varieties of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum). Incredibly, Andean natives were already cultivating three thousand varieties before the Spaniards arrived. The Spaniards first encountered the potato in 1535. Initially, they fed potatoes, in combination with another well-known plant, coca, (link Medicines that Changed the World: The Wonders of the Coca Plant) to their Indian silver mine laborers, which kept the slaves working at a feverish pitch under incredibly difficult conditions. Eventually, potatoes were transported back to Spain, then dispersed throughout the world. Today at least 130 countries grow some variety of potato.
A wild crop relative of Ullucus tuberosa .
Photo by Steven R. King, 1996.
Potatoes arrived in Ireland toward the end of the sixteenth century. By 1625, the potato was a cheap and nutritious staple. By the end of the eighteenth century, an Irish citizen might eat up to ten pounds of potatoes a day. Potatoes fueled an enormous increase in the population, particularly among the poor, with global repercussions. Partly because of limited genetic diversity, the European potato crop failed numerous times due to blight and other fungal diseases, but none matched the famine that began in 1845 and resulted in an estimated one million deaths and at least 1.5 million immediate emigrants. The potato arrived in North America in 1620 but commercial production did not begin until a hundred years later in New England. Demand for potatoes grew dramatically with the flood of Irish immigrants in the 1850's. Today, potatoes are one of the four most important food plants in the world with the Soviet Union producing the largest harvest.


The tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is native to Mexico but many varieties are found in the Andes. Crop evolution specialists still return to Andean valleys in search of wild relatives that might help modern breeders to improve crops. Tomatoes were actually accepted in Asia before they were in Europe, having been transported to the Philippines shortly after Magellan's' voyage of 1521. From there they were introduced into China, Japan, and India. Before Columbus, the Italians had no tomato sauce, and before Marco Polo, they had no pasta either! The Spaniards brought the tomato to Europe in the 16th Century; it was grown in Italy in the mid 1500's. In the United States, tomatoes were believed to be poisonous until the 19th Century. French and Italian immigrants first popularized the tomato in North America.


Chili peppers (Capsicum annuum) transformed world cuisine through a simple historical accident. The demand for black pepper sent European explorers abroad in search of new sources of the spice. When the Spanish found themselves in the West Indies, mistaking them for the Spice Islands, they inquired about the location of pepper plants, but found none. The only spices to emerge from the Americas were allspice (Pimenta dioca) from the Caribbean and chili peppers from Latin America. Chili peppers soon became a valuable item of trade. The ancestors of these crops are believed to have originated in Bolivia, but they influenced diets from the Inca to the Aztec empires, then traveled the world. Chilies provide the spicy heat which we now associate with much Indian, Chinese, Southeast Asian, and Ethiopian cuisine. China is the now the world's biggest exporter of chili peppers, followed by Mexico and India. Capsaicin is the pepper's fiery active ingredient, which researchers now believe may prove useful as an anti-inflammatory against arthritis. And so, chilies may soon have as significant medical importance as they have had culinary influence.


So highly was the peanut regarded in ancient Amazonian cultures that its image was cast in precious metals and buried with royalty. There are probably more than 80 wild peanut species. Amazonian natives eat both wild and cultivated varieties, both of which harbor the genetic variations that could help improve and protect harvests elsewhere from disease, drought, and temperature changes. Peanuts became a basic source of protein for millions of people. Just as the potato improved nutrition and spurred population growth in Ireland, the peanut increased the protein intake in Asia and Africa. It reached Africa aboard Portuguese ships and Asia aboard Spanish ships. In Europe, the peanut gained a foothold only as a source of oil and food for livestock. Today, in the United States, the major use of the peanut crop is to make peanut butter.


Manioc (Manihot esculenta) or cassava is one of the most important root crops in all of lowland South America. First grown in the relatively poor soils of the Amazon, the indigenous peoples there domesticated at least 40 varieties. Though some manioc varieties can be eaten directly, others contain a poison that must be thoroughly removed. Amazonians developed a number of woven fiber presses and sieves to grate, press, and dry the tubers until they were safe to eat. Manioc has some amazing food qualities. It can be stored in the ground for several years after it has reached maturity. It is also about one-third starch and produces a great deal of calories from nutrient-poor soils, which has led to its adoption by much of the world, notably in Africa. Although manioc is one of the world's most important crops, in the United States manioc has seen little use, except in tapioca pudding.


One of the world's most cherished desserts comes from cacao (Theobroma cacao). We call it chocolate, a name drawn from an Aztec dialect. Cacao became a trade item for the Europeans, but the Aztec considered it a gift from the gods. Today the Amazonian Indians eat only the white seed coat. Chocolate is made from the toasted fermented seeds. Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) is harvested from an orchid and was also first domesticated in Mesoamerica (known today as Central America). There are ninety species but only two produce commercial vanilla. This plant is still cultivated by the Totonac Indians, who may have been first to domesticate it. Today, however, almost all cultivated vanilla comes from Madagascar and the Comoro Islands in the Indian Islands.


Europeans first sampled sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) in the Caribbean. This tuber traveled through the Pacific to Asia, where its popularity makes it one of the world's top 15 food crops today. Native to Mexico, the sweet potato has no botanical or ecological relationship with the true potato from the Andes. The Spanish brought sweet potatoes to the Philippines and the Portuguese distributed them further across the Pacific. The Maori integrated sweet potatoes into their mythology and have elaborate ceremonies connected to its planting, harvest, and storage. Today China grows nearly 80 percent of the world's sweet potatoes. The sweet potato reached China from Okinawa in the early 1600's. It had become popular in southern Japan partly due to its resistance to insects and to the typhoons that sometimes devastated rice crops. During a major Japanese famine in the 1730's, sweet potatoes prevented many from starving.


Drawing by David Wood,
Genentech Graphics Department
Corn (Zea mays) was domesticated from a wild plant called teosinte (Zea mexicana) at least seven thousand years ago. Considered a sacred crop, corn figured prominently in Mayan creation myths; one famous image depicts an earth god sprouting from a stalk. Adaptable to a wide range of habitats, corn converts the sun's energy more efficiently than other cereals. Corn made its way to Europe as a curiosity with the first departing explorers' vessels. It also entered Europe with the Moors, via Turkey and North Africa. Corn quickly took root in much of Africa. Together with the peanut and cassava, it completely transformed the diet of much of Africa which had been based on grains such as sorghum and millet. Corn brought about a rapid rise in population throughout much of the continent. Africans eat a large percentage of the more than three hundred million metric tons of corn produced worldwide each year. Today corn is a dietary staple for more than two hundred million people worldwide.

Aim: How would countries around the world be different if the Colombian Exchange never occurred?

Do Now:
1. How did Pre-Columbian civilizations in South America, such as the Chavin, the Moche, and the Nazca, begin and grow?
“man changed from _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _”
the answer being man changed from food-gatherer to food-producer
2. Why did most early civilizations start in river valley's?


Answer: To this question there are several answers, as well as many more:
--Texas would not have any cattle (they relied on camels in the 1800s and they helped with America’s population boost)
--Ireland would not have any potatoes (they became Ireland’s staple crop)
--There would be no more Swiss chocolate (Chocolate might have only stayed in South America, and today it’s one of the world’s most popular treats)
--Native Americans would never have been able to use the horse which greatly enhanced their lives. (used them to hunt, move their village (nomadic purposes), or to fight other Native American tribes)
--France would not have any tobacco (French people like to smoke a lot and the cigarette company is one of the largest companies in the world)
--Italy would not have been able to produce their famous tomato sauce (One of the Italians favorite things to put on pasta and it was infused into their culture)
--Students will be able to think of additional answers to this question 

Encomienda system : A system of production in Spain’s New World possessions
which granted permission to conquistadors to enslave as many people needed to
work a plantation.

Aim: How did France change under Napoleon?

Do Now:
1. What is Nationalism?
2. . How could feelings of Nationalism in European countries hurt Napoleon?
3. What were Napoleons biggest mistakes?
4. What was the Napoleonic Code?

Napoleon Worksheet

This is an extended piece of writing, so you should plan your work in the back of
your book first. You should organize your answer into five sections, which you can
later put into paragraphs. The five areas are: Education, The Government, The
Church, Rights and Freedoms and Society. To answer the BIG question, you need to
look at how far Napoleon reformed each of the sections. For example, in some
areas there had been great change, but in others, there were few differences
from the time of King Louis. You can include in your answer quotes and opinions
from the man himself to support your own thoughts. Once you have planned what
you are going to include in your sections, you need to write a brief introduction to
your work, and sum up your arguments with a strong conclusion. Get you teacher to
check it, put it all together in the front of your book, and VOILA! One essay!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Aim: What were the causes and effects of the French Revolution?

Do Now:What might a French peasant have grumbled about in 1789?

French Revolution Music Video
Causes of French Revolution Worksheet

Causes Of French Revolution Cloze

- Peasants were forced to do military service.
- Peasants could not hunt or fish on nobles’ estates.
- Peasants had to pay taxes to their lord, the king and the Church.
- Peasants had to use the lord’s mill, oven and wine press, and pay for them.
- Peasants made up 90% of the population.

Vocabulary: Revolution, Estates, Bourgeoisie, Nobility, Clergy, Peasants

Political, Economic and Social

1. lack of rights

2. unequal distribution of wealth

3. lack of freedom

4. heavy taxes

5. unfair treatment

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Aim: How did John Locke change the way people think about government?

Do Now:
1. What were the main ideas of Thomas Hobbes?
2. What type of government would he support?
3. What were the main ideas of John Locke?
4. What type of government would he support?

Do Now: Is it better to be loved or feared as a leader?
John Locke : Major beliefs - natural rights, life, liberty (freedom), property (stuff).Government : Democracy
Thomas Hobbes: Major beliefs - People are selfish and greedy. To avoid chaos people must give up their freedom to the government to ensure order.Government: Absolutism

The Enlightenment
1. believing that every natural phenomenon had a cause and effect
2. a belief that truth is arrived at by reason
3. believing that natural law governed the universe
4. progress would always take place

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Aim: What was the Scientific Revolution?

Do Now:
1. Which came first the chicken or the egg?
2. How do you know?
3. Describe the method you would use to figure out the answer.
Scientific Revolution
Bl:The next big change after the Renaissance in which scientist questioned traditional beliefs about the workings of the universe. The main idea to come out of the Revolution was the Scientific Method - the use of observation and experimentation to explain how things work.
P: Europe
T: After the Renaissance and before the Enlightenment.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Aim: A recipe for a Revolution?

Do Now:
1. If you could write a recipe for Revolution what would it be? Why?

I Hate No Technology Stew
1 part headphones
1 part touch screen
2 parts my friends need to talk to me
1 very hot and long class
3 please put the phone aways
2  school safety agent

Mix 1 part headphones and 1 part touch screen. Allow to stew in a very hot and long class for 18 minutes add 2 my friends need to talk to me. Add 3 please put the phone aways combined with one dean and two school safety agents. You have a serving of 34 portions of I Hate No Technology Stew.

Task :What are the five conditions necessary for a revolution to take place.
Five A's necessary for Revolution to occur
1. At least two opposing sides
2. Access to weapons
3. Aims expressed in a slogan
4. Accomplished leaders
5. Ailments present socially, economically, and politically

Task 1: What are the five A's needed for a revolution ?
Task 2: Review the Recipe for Revolution
Task 3: Do we have enough ingredients to make a revolution at Port Richmond? USA?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Revolution Lyrics

by the Beatles
You Say You Want a Revolution
Well, You Know
We all Want to Change the World
You Tell me that its Evolution
Well, You Know
But When you Talk About Destruction
Don’t You Know that you Can Count Me Out
You Know Its Going To Be All Right
All Right All Right
You Say You’ve Got a Real Solution
Well You Know
We’d All Love to See the Plan
You Ask Me For a Contribution
Well You Know
We’re All doing What We Can
But If you Want Money From People With Minds That Hate
All I Can Tell You is Brother You’ll Have To Wait
You Know Its Going To Be All Right
All Right All Right
You Say You’ll Change the Constitution
Well You Know
We All Want to Change the Land
You Tell Me it’s the Institution
Well You Know
You Better Free Your Mind Instead
But If You Go Carrying Pictures of Chairman Mao
You Ain’t Going To Make it With Anyone Anyhow
You Know Its Going To be All Right
All Right All Right All Right All Right

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Student Questionnaire

Department of Education of the City of New York


Timothy M. Gannon, Principal

Name:_________________________ Date:_______ Grade:_______ School Year:________

1. Why are you attending Port Richmond High School?


2. What do you expect will happen by attending Port Richmond High School?


3. What do you see yourself doing in the next 10 years?


4. What do you expect to learn in this class?


5. What job would you like to have for a career?__________________________________________________________________

6. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? Please explain why?


7. What are your interest/hobbies?


Any questions? Please write in the space below.

