Thursday, September 16, 2010

Aim: A recipe for a Revolution?

Do Now:
1. If you could write a recipe for Revolution what would it be? Why?

I Hate No Technology Stew
1 part headphones
1 part touch screen
2 parts my friends need to talk to me
1 very hot and long class
3 please put the phone aways
2  school safety agent

Mix 1 part headphones and 1 part touch screen. Allow to stew in a very hot and long class for 18 minutes add 2 my friends need to talk to me. Add 3 please put the phone aways combined with one dean and two school safety agents. You have a serving of 34 portions of I Hate No Technology Stew.

Task :What are the five conditions necessary for a revolution to take place.
Five A's necessary for Revolution to occur
1. At least two opposing sides
2. Access to weapons
3. Aims expressed in a slogan
4. Accomplished leaders
5. Ailments present socially, economically, and politically

Task 1: What are the five A's needed for a revolution ?
Task 2: Review the Recipe for Revolution
Task 3: Do we have enough ingredients to make a revolution at Port Richmond? USA?