Thursday, September 26, 2013

HW #3

Extension Activities
Choose one of the following activities to complete. Write the answer in
complete sentences.

Execution of a King
1. The French Revolution is a very complicated topic. Choose one event
from the French Revolution, and do some research on the Internet or at
the library. List five facts about that event.

2. When did France stop using the guillotine for executions? Look in your
textbook, on the Internet, or at the library to fi nd out.

3. Who was Marie Antoinette? Look in your textbook, on the Internet, or at
the library to fi nd out three facts about Marie Antoinette.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

HW #2

1. Read page 141-143 complete mini assessment questions 1-4 page 143.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

HW #1

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